The early planning of Bali Museum founding
was Governmental functionary of Dutch, Bali King, Society Prominent,
all artists like: WFJ Kroon (assistant of Dutch Resident), Curt Grundler
(a Germany Architect), I Gusti Alit Ngurah (Bestuurder Penegara
Badung), I Gusti Bagus Jelantik (King of Karangasem), I Gusti Ketut
Djelantik (King of Buleleng), King of Tabanan, and all artists like I
Gusti Ketut Kandel, I Gusti Ketut Rai. The Planning is happened in year
1910 with the elementary concept Bali Museum building structure that was
solidarity of the structure between temple building (Sanctum) and
Palace (Keraton).
After agreed on the concept of the museum
building structure, hence founded a mains building which deflect
finished in year 1925. Because of the ancient object collection which
had been collected is not yet adequate and then during 7 years
(1925-1932), the mains building stood functioned for the exhibition
purpose. All meritorious experts in checking object taken as collection
of Bali Museum for example: DR.W.F. Stutterheim, G.I. Graider, G.M.
Hendrikss, DR.R. Goris, and artist of Walter Spies
Bali Museum in the beginning is handled by
an institution that is called Bali Museum Institution and opened
officially on 8 December 1932 with the name of Bali Museum
The management hereinafter by institution of Bali Museum has been reverted to Government of Indonesia since 5 January 1966.
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